Monday, October 3, 2011

Another good one

I love finding an author that puts out book after book of quality writing.  I have read three of Ken Follett's novels and they have all been wonderful.  This book, "The Third Twin" is the first mystery novel of Follett's that I've read.  He also writes Historical Fiction.

"The Third Twin" is full of twists, turns, and surprises.  If you like mysteries this is a good one.  Jeannie is a scientist who studies twins that have been raised in different homes.  It's a nature vs. nurture study.  Her main focus is on pairs made up of one good twin and one bad twin.  Her study hits very close to home when one of her good twins is accused of raping her lab assistant. 

I thought Follett could have done a better job on the ending.  Once the reader has figured it all out he exposes the bad guys in a strange and sort of uneventful way.  I felt it still ended well, I was satisfied as a reader.  I just thought the means to get there could have been a little better.

If you are interested in some heavier reading I would recommend one of Follett's Historical Fiction novels.  I've read both "Pillars of the Earth" and "Fall of Giants."  I cannot say enough good about both of these novels.  The length is a little intimidating at nearly 1000 pages each, however it is well worth it!  "Fall of Giants" is slated to be the first in a Trilogy.  I believe the second novel is scheduled for release in 2012.  As someone who hates history and would NEVER pick up a Historical Fiction novel I can absolutely say Ken Follet changed my mind.  I will never judge Historical Fiction writing again until I've at least given it a shot.

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